Ok, so I have to ask this question of you; take a look at the above pic and tell me what you see. Do you see a swimsuit model from Sports Illustrated on a Southwest Airliner or do you see "soft core porn"?
The reason I am asking is because according to USA Today, some people are complaining about this paint job, take this complaint for instance "Does anyone else find this kind of trashy for Southwest? Having a woman in a bikini on the side of the plane hardly seems like the epitome of the friendly, down-home airline I’ve grown accustomed to."
Here, read the comments from these morons, "The Star-Telegram adds some customers feel the image adds an adults-only vibe that some passengers –- especially those with children –- may prefer to avoid. "Many women do not enjoy having their husbands exposed to explicit pictures or explaining to young children why the lady on the plane is 'showing her boobies, ' " Texas customers Chris and Sharon Kraemer say in a letter to Southwest that's quoted by the Star-Telegram. "
I wish I could find these idiots and ask them exactly where is this woman who is "showing her boobies"? Sure looks like a bikini to me. Further reading of the article and reading some of the comments I am forced to conclude that the people complaining are Religious Right Whacko Nutjobs who think we should be still in the 1950's with Ozzie and Harriet Nelson and Ward and June Cleaver. I am so astonished at these people the only thing to say is grow the hell up, people.
But, since we know the right wing nutjobs will never ever live in reality maybe we should suggest they put on their foil hats and crawl back into their caves...either that or go to Disneyland and live in Fantasy World...oh but wait they can't do that either because Disney hosts "gay days" at their parks. Just shaking my head at the lunacy and stupidity of right wing bible thumpin morons.
ReplyDeletehaving two little ladies that I hold near and dear to my heart I try to shield them from those images until they are older
that being said.... If the plane is rolling up to the terminal don't look if you find it offensive and turn your kid's head!!
I like it but the winders get in the way ;-)